So who is the imposter and who is the real Mc-Coy. The almost comical game of musical chairs and seat grabbing is still playing on the stage to a world wide audience. With new developments unfolding everyday it looks like the fiasco is set to continue for quite sometime from both inside the courts and without. So how will it play out when the dust finally settles? With the entire state machinery at the disposal of Federal BN Government, the odds are heavily stacked against Pakatan. It is almost mission impossible for Nizar & Co. to win this battle. However, every dirty trick and every act of treachery to usurp power will only serve to further expose how corrupt the BN government really is. With each episode, more and more fence sitters will be politicized and be alienated to the other side. It is a no-brainer as to who will win the war come the general election in 2013. 13 May 2009