24 hours had gone by. All was calm and peaceful. Another day went by. Not a pip. Hey, this is cool, piece of cake. But it proved to be only a false sense of security. A typical lull before the impending storm. On the third day, the termites returned with a vengeance. Overnight, the dirt tubes, tunnels, freeways and mould hills were back. The speed and urgency of their reconstruction was simply mind boggling. You can not help but admire their tenacity and determination. Regardless of my sentiments and my impartiality to ants (a childhood obsession), truce is not an option. This defiant act of provocation called for an all out WAR. A quick research reveals that the “Shock & Awe” tactic will not work. These subterranean armies will simply disappear underground and continue their guerrilla warfare. I believe Sun Tzu (Art of War) will recommend fighting the enemy from within. In pest control terminology, it is called baiting. The strategy is to bait the worker termites with poison laced...