My daughter will officially become a teenager on August 19. With the blink of an eye, 12 years has gone by. We were first introduced inside a lift in SJMC as she was being pushed in a trolley from the Operation room to the Nursery at another level. She looked at me with tired open eyes – a sign of recognition as I introduced myself. She was a skinny little infant. All wrinkles and bones but bore a striking resemblance to her daddy when he was a child. Within months, with all the baby formulae and feedings, she piled on the baby fats. Not the prettiest of baby and was constantly mistaken for a baby boy. Then she took her first step before turning 1, by-passing the crawling stage. She would greet us when we came home in the evening – all excited, griping the grille door with her hands and jumping up and down though yet unable to talk. Education at home started early with all the illustrated cards, story books and bedtime stories followed by drawing and music class, swimming lessons and e...