The ground reports, analysis and predictions in the built up to the 3 by-elections all alluded to a touch and go affair. It would have been a political catastrophe had PAS lost Bukit Gantang as so much were at stake. The momentum of the March 8 tsunami would grind to an abrupt halt.
Hence, it was a great relief that Pakatan managed to retain Bukit Gantang and Bukit Selambau and with an even greater majority. Unfortunately, the champagne was not chilled in time for the celebration that after the results came through the blogs.
Another bright spot in the by-election. The obnoxious ex-PM tried to meddle and wield his influence but the results clearly showed that the use-by date of the old tyrant has long expired. It is time to put the pathetic octogenarian to pasture or more aptly discarded into the garbage bin of history.