I am 63 year old and as far as I know of sound mind and body. I can't predict the future and there is no telling when my journey on this earth will end but I plan on staying for a while yet. It is totally uncharacteristic of me to blog about such a morbid topic. Inevitably however, the subject of buying a niche in the Nirvana Columbarium came up again with every Qing ming (all souls' day). How do I explain to my 90 year old mother, without offending her, that I have never or will ever contemplate buying a pigeon hole in the Columbarium as my final resting place. I was born to a Taoist family but grew up and remain an atheist. I have never personally witness any life changing spiritual miracle that would alter my scientific world view. I do not mock people whatever their religious believes. All religions preach about peace, morality and doing good deeds. Whether in a temple, church or mosque I will show due respect and would without hesitation observe and imitate t...