Made another trip to Kuala Kangsar last Friday. Put on full alert driver mode. Thought I would investigate whether I got scammed by the cops the previous week. The plan was to drive at the 110kph speed limit all the way and see whether I would be flagged down.
My normal driving comfort zone (depending on the car) will be in the region of 140-160kph. Thus, it was excruciatingly tedious keeping the speed down to 110kph, esp. when even Kancils and Protons overtook me at the down hill stretches. The urge to floor the accelerator made my foot itch. It took a great deal of restraint and determination to persevere and stick to the plan right to the end.
Thus, it was a major letdown when there was no road block or a single traffic cop in sight on the highway that day. All the restraints and plan were in vain.
The only positive thing was, at that speed with the engine running at 2000-2500 rpm, the fuel consumption was extremely economical. The car consumed only ¾ tank of petrol for the return journey of over 500km!
3 January 2008