What a disaster. A few days back, my daughter accidentally unplugged the power supply while I was surfing the net. The damn thing blacked out and would not start up properly again - going in loops starting up the window cycle indefinitely in perpetual restart. My attempts with F8 and starting up in safe mood and all other available different combinations also failed to boot up the CPU. Shutting down and restarting repeatedly also failed to do the job. So the only option left was to call the computer guy.
After 3 days and repeated calls to the computer wizard, he came back with the bad news. My hard disk had crashed. With that all the accumulated files, data, photographs saved over the years just disappeared forever. Duh!!!!!!! What an idiot. Why didn't I kept a back up copy in a CD. What's most agonizing is the lost of those irreplaceable family photographs taken over the years... including the most recent photographs taken in Phuket a few weeks back. Hmmm maybe that will be a good excuse to make another trip to Phuket ........soon.
Anyway, the PC is in the pink of health now... working as good as new ...i.e. before it got clogged up with viruses and spy wares in no time.
3 September 2007.